Over looking a pool

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Drop of water on a leaf zoomed in

There is something about the rain that is spiritual. When it rains I feel like the earth is cleansing itself and I, being a part of this beautiful planet, am cleansed right along with it.

Recently I was venting to my running partner about the trajectory of good things in life….they always end. The clouds we float upon seem to fall. The highs become lows, the rushes calm and the waves we ride crash everytime. He reminded me that life is cyclical. This sent my black-and-white mind spinning. Where are we going then? Just riding this ferris wheel of life until we fall off? Where is the aim? The goal? The point? The end?

As I woke up this morning to my favorite kind of day….a rainy one, I realized that nature itself is cyclical. The flowers bloom and the grass is green until soon the flowers die, the leaves fall off the trees and the grass dies. Mother earth teaches us about the nature of our own lives as she moves in and out of cycles.

We learn through repetition. Trust life to throw us the same curve ball over and over until we finally learn how to catch it. So maybe we need these cycles and as badly as it hurts to go through some cycles more than once, we learn from them.

The earth circles the sun, the moon circles the earth and on really good days… it rains.